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Showing posts with the label GM

Post-Adventure Postmortem Post

It seems like, at the end of things, we tend to get introspective. Certainly, even here at Never Say Dice we have a history of posting our New Years' resolutions - and this year was no different. We seem to have a need for chances to reflect on what has been and pontificate about what the future could be. It even happens in the video game world. We talk about what we loved and hated in the games we've played, and, from there, make wild predictions about what potential sequels might contain. While they’re often hilariously wrong, it's a common activity we all gravitate towards when it comes to the media we collectively love. It shouldn’t be any different for tabletop games. We all need some time to think about what we did wrong (and right!) in our previous sessions and how we might change things the next time an opportunity appears. So, sit back and get organized with Never Say Dice for some post-adventure postmortem. Feedback You’re probably going to get feedback from a nu...

Reindeer Games: The Rudolph Campaign

You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen. Comet, Cupid, Donner…ah, you probably recall all of them including Rudolph - the most famous department store mascot reindeer of all. If you're a regular reader of the blog, it shouldn’t be any surprise we’re bringing up a Rankin-Bass Special yet again . Previously, we've dissected Mad Monster Party , frequently referenced their animated Tolkien adaptations , and taken inspiration from both Santa Claus is Coming to Town and, yes, Rudolph .  This time though, especially after having just passed the 60th anniversary of the original airing, we revisit Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and take a look through the lens of a classic tabletop adventure. So pull up your ice blocks, lend your ears, and keep an open mind about treating this holiday classic as an adventure. Peppermint! The story itself works best as a starting point, or even backstory followed by a shorter truncated adventure. You get introduced to a few of the main cha...

Unusual Inspirations from Unusual Media

We’ve written a few times on the blog about using commonly shared media to get people into gaming and developing your group's games . Finding common ground can be key in getting your group to coalesce just right. You can’t stick to just that, though. While you can find plenty of shared humor and excitement by walking the same ground you know you all love, you need to expand your horizons to keep games fresh and interesting. That doesn’t necessarily mean you need to go digging, though, inspiration can be found in any sort of media or event if you consider it long enough and apply it well. So, this week, let's take a look at some unconventional media that could inspire our tabletop gaming stories. A Novel Idea Television shows and movies do it all the time: steal from classic literature and folklore and make it your own. Would the Simpsons' Treehouse of Horror episodes be the same if they hadn’t reused classic episodes of The Twilight Zone ? Would Gargoyles have been as enj...

Lewd Dungeon Adventures with Phoenix Grey

While we here at Never Say Dice try to bring you our own creations every week, be they on storytelling, video games, tabletop games, or any number of other nerdly topics, we thought it'd be good to talk to some other creators so you, dear readers, can hear from others right here on our blog. We haven’t included an interview since our popular MDRF posts , and thought now would be the perfect time to start including them again. One creator I’ve personally backed in the past has developed a risqué game series called Lewd Dungeon Adventures: An Adult Tabletop Role-Playing Game for Couples . So this week, here at Never Say Dice you’ll get some background on that series from the creator herself, Phoenix Gray. - A We should point out that, like the game itself, this conversation will involve sexual topics, so if the subject of sex and gaming (in this case, both in-universe and among the participants themselves) doesn't interest you, you may want to move on to another post. I've be...


While many different traditions come up around this time of year, the one that's always scary popular is Trick or Treating. At least in the USA, things are typically focused more on treats rather than tricks... though, in some shady corners, flaming bags of animal poop, eggings, and the TP'ing of people’s houses still likely prevails. There are also always rumors of the tricks disguised as treats:  needles or razor blades shoved into candy or fruit treats, drug laced delights, and so forth . Even today, it's still recommended that adults go through their younglings' collection of confections before letting them have at (also a great opportunity to sneak some candy yourself). But before you slip into your sugar infused diabetic naps, have a quick read of a table of tricks and treats you can use to sweeten up your tabletop games. - A A mixed bag of candies and curses for your players can come in any number of ways. Perhaps they're a collection of Victorian tinctures ...

The Post with the Most

It wouldn’t be the spooky time of the year around here without Never Say Dice digging up some '80s and '90s macabre media or exhuming forgotten toys. In the past, we’ve talked about a myriad of Simpsons " Treehouse of Horror" episodes , had a Mad Monster Party , and played around with finding inspiration in monstrous toys such as Blurp Balls and Boglins . It was an era in which creepiness abounded, and you could find it in just about everything, even things like after-school cartoons and breakfast cereals . Beetlejuice was one media franchise that was adapted into all those things and more... it's even been on Broadway ! (Lets face it, the cartoon was a great kids' show and the action figures did some interesting things you didn’t typically see.) So, with the franchise being revisited on the big screen in the form of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice , why don’t we see what inspiration it can bring to our games? Ghost with the Most Across all of the various forms o...

Filling the Sandbox

There have been a lot of box sets when it comes to the history tabletop games like Dungeons & Dragons . Red boxes , Blue boxes , white boxes , reprints , fan collections , etc. That isn’t the kind of box we’re talking about this time, though. On the surface, roleplaying games may look like the ultimate sandbox: you can do or create anything within the context of the agreed-upon rules. When it comes to actually running your own campaigns, of course, your actual mileage may vary. One key factor in that is the nature of the Game Master's role. Even a seasoned storyteller with years of experience may not have the bandwidth to keep up with a campaign that allows a very wide latitude - this is likely why pre-printed campaigns and adventures remain fairly popular. While we all want to tell our own stories, it's a huge benefit for the GM to have a framework of  pre-made challenges, pre-rolled bad guys, and previously-seasoned flavor text . For those running game, the time savings ...

Helpful Hiatus

No, the blog isn’t going on hiatus , at least not any time soon... that we’re aware of... yet. Having co-posts, and each writer taking turns from week to week helps provide a good respite that keeps the pressure off - no need for a short term break. While gaming, and in particular tabletop roleplaying games, can be a release of their own, the pressures of life can leave you feeling a need to take some time away. It might be burnout, major life changes, or some other form of stress, let's say your country’s 500th anniversary to plan, your wedding to arrange, your wife to murder, and Guilder to frame for it. Any of those things alone could leave you feeling simply swamped and with a need to take a rest break for your own self-care and mental health. After all, if you haven’t got your health you haven’t got anything. If you’re feeling any of these things, it might be time to take a hiatus. But before you do, why not take a few moments and review some advice from Never Say Dice. Prepa...

Wrestling with Retcons

How did we get by so long without the term “retcon?” As a phrase, “retroactive continuity” goes back to at least 1973, with our current definition appearing a decade later to describe some of the way DC comics was engaging contemporary storylines with characters and plots from decades prior. Even without a name, the concept is about as old as storytelling itself, with some retcons becoming such a significant part of their respective narratives that they’d be unthinkable without them - no one involved in the creation of the 1977 film considered Vader to be Luke’s father, but inserting that retcon into The Empire Strikes Back has defined every iteration of Star Wars ever since. But “retcon” is a term that carries as many connotations as it has applications, with plenty of room for interpretation as to what exactly counts as a retcon, what it effect retconning has on a work, and how that in turn affects an audience’s relationship with that work and its creators. So this week, let’s take a...

Get Them Gaming: The Untangled Web

Quick, what’s your favorite tabletop RPG and why? What led you to deciding that was your favorite? Is it the first game you ever played, and if so, how have your opinions about it developed since your first experience? If not, what was the sequence of events between playing your first and playing your favorite? We may not be thinking of it when we’re playing or planning the games we choose to put time into, but there have been a myriad of decisions and experiences going all the way back to our first exposure to TTRPGs. Last week, we talked about using a quick, generic pitch to introduce potential new players to the concept of roleplaying. This time, let’s discuss how to get more specific in teasing apart your gaming lives and loves, and how you can take what you’ve found on your own journey to help someone who’s just starting theirs. - B B : With the way that games model a person’s entire life, or at least a significant part of it, it’s a wonder we don’t get metaphysical with it all th...

Get Them Gaming: The Pitch

How do you teach a person gaming? Back when I was in high school, it's no surprise I was a bit of a nerdy outcast. Lunchtime was a big concern, even more so than in middle school. The mix of kids there was different, and many of my friends from former years had gone to different high schools - even the two of us at Never Say Dice, were split up. However, this time I was fortunate: a group of card players sat next to me. As creatures of habit, we pretty much stuck to those same seats throughout the year. Every day while they ate, they’d play round after round of Spades. Occasionally they might mix it up with poker, hearts, or some other game, but Spades was the go-to. After a month or two, one of them was out sick and the rest were bummed that they wouldn't be able to pursue their favorite pastime. Showing unusual courage and social acuity, I piped up and offered to play a hand. I’d never played before, but had picked it up by watching them. From then on, I was always an alterna...