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RPG Sports: Olympics

In a previous post , we took some time to think about adding sports to our tabletop games as a way to have the excitement and fun of combat without the danger. You might bring in something with a team effort, an interestingly-themed skills challenge, or traditional one-on-one “combat” without the risk of character death. Sports are a great way to add a moment of lighthearted fun after serious developments in a campaign. Without the fear of losing their carefully-crafted and developed character, players can test different skills, try their luck, and maybe even win a few minor prizes. With the Paris Olympic Games underway, all of these things come to mind as tabletop inspirations, but what else can we garner from our real world’s major quadrennial sports event to help enhance your games? Olympic Campaigns Just having an Olympics (or equivalent) within your gaming world can be a multi-part adventure or even a full campaign, just in itself. Think of all the set-up that goes into the Games

RPG Sports: Combat Without the Danger

There may come a time in your campaigns where you want the fun of combat without the stress that can bring. You probably want something a little heavier than pure roleplaying, possibly a team challenge featuring the thrill and random chance of combat, but less dangerous for the Player Characters. Enter... sports! (Something many of us into tabletop games haven’t been good at.) Sports offer an opportunity to include a game within your tabletop game. You can frame it as a local game regularly played wherever your players are currently visiting, a touring exhibition, or your universe’s very own Olympics. No matter what route you take, players love opportunities to test their luck, their character’s skill, and get a chance to win prizes or accolades without (too much) danger involved. It can be a great break if your campaign has been full of tense moments, and makes a good pause between major story arcs. The Olympics of our own mortal plane present a ton of great examples: protected, monit