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There are many different ways to incorporate a minigame into your tabletop sessions. One that you may already be incorporating are puzzle-style games. It might be a riddle or some sort of physical challenge necessary to get past a door or disarm a trap. Challenging players this way has long been a classic part of D&D and other tabletop games. Another, only occasionally utilized minigame, is in-game gambling, which can take the form of recognizable card or dice games, or even something unique to your setting all found in the barrooms and back alleys of our TTRPG worlds. Rarer still is the narrative challenge. This might come in the form of a flashback, an improvisational chance for the players to retroactively plan or equip themselves for an unforseen challenge. Or maybe even a dream sequence that gets them closer to a personal story goal. There are even some systems that incorporate these kinds of cutaways into the character creation process. Finally, and most rarely used, are skill based challenges - possibly seen in carnival type settings and mirroring our real world games like knocking down milk bottles, tossing a ring onto a peg, or landing a bean bag right on target. There are tons of ways you might incorporate any of these styles of minigame, but what should we look out for when doing so?
Gamifying the Game
There are several things you should keep in mind if you’re going to incorporate one of the styles of minigame above, or a new one of your own design. First and foremost, make sure the minigame you plan to include works within your world and story - you don’t want to shoehorn something in just to have a minigame. You also need to remember to keep it simple. You don’t want to break away into something that's even more complicated than the game you’re already playing. Having complex rules will only slow things down and take the enjoyment out of your sessions. Along with that, you don’t want to completely bog down your sessions, so the minigame shouldn’t be that session's sole singular purpose. Keep it quick, and make sure there's some minor (but meaningful) reward to keep players interested. All of these issues can make dealing with the game itself somewhat complicated, but what storytelling aspects should you consider before adding a minigame to keep your narrative running smoothly?
Game Over?
You absolutely don’t want your minigame to be the "game over." After all, you've likely spent some time setting it up and considering how to incorporate it into your existing story. Look out for anything that might be too rewarding, or something players could potentially exploit too much. There are plenty of electronic games where minigames have fallen into this trap, or even become more popular than the games they were originally included in. Take a moment to set expectations both on the mechanics of this new situation and what the rewards will be. It can be extremely frustrating and disappointing when someone simply doesn't get how a game or minigame works. While even your minigames should have rules, keep in mind that players will still want to get creative. This gives those who might not be invested in a game's more standardized aspects a chance to participate by putting their own spin on things and incorporating their character.. even if they aren’t playing the minigame directly. Most of all, make it fun - and if the players aren’t having fun, end it and go back to the main meat of your game. If the successes (and failures) of your minigame aren’t exciting for its participants, you may want to go back to the drawing board.
Absolutely don’t be afraid to include minigames in your tabletop sessions... in fact, you’re probably already doing it! Take some time though to think about the best types of games to incorporate, carefully consider the most seamless way you might do so, and make sure to look out for any of common pitfalls that come with including a minigame. Above all else, have fun with it! Minigames are meant to add to the excitement of gaming sessions, not make them a difficult chore for you or your players. Until next week, readers, enjoy, your tables, your dice, and your games... mini or otherwise.
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