There and back again… at an Expected Party
Travel has to be the biggest obstacle to fitting in quality game time, no matter if you’re headed to or from your event, or whether we're talking about video or tabletop formats. While I might have been found on long car trips with a Game Gear in my youth, cell phones and other mobile gaming devices bring plenty of opportunities today. However, as adults we might find ourselves having to do the driving and/or entertain the children while making the trek to our host table to enjoy the sacrificial turkey. That doesn’t mean we can’t game on the way, though - and I don’t mean punch buggy or "cows," though classic car games can still hold their charm. You can still tell stories any way you like, dice or not. Traveling may not be your preferred time to game, or to hold your favorite games, but it's still full of potential fills for that gaming opportunity while you're heading over the river and through the woods.
Not At Home
Then, once you’ve made the journey, you’re stuck... often with people you disagree with and in disagreeable conversations. Well, you may have to stay, but your brain is leaving. Why not count how many times you hear something racist in an hour, then see if you can beat that number in the next hour? Or you can just go off to cider town in your head, and tell your own stories. Your presence doesn't mean you're required to fully attend to other guests, particularly if doing so makes you uncomfortable. Tell that story in your head, set some difficulties, and roll the appropriate dice on your phone. Hang with the youngest folk. They’ll probably be eager to play board games and get away from most of the olds, anyway. Or, if you’re really hating your time, see how many people you can offend at once. Then maybe next year, you won’t be invited back and not have to worry about doing any of this.
The Last Stage
Of course, the best option might be to just stay home. Cozy yourself up with a nice warm blanket, a hot microwave dinner, and your favorite games. Be thankful that you aren’t dealing with any of that hassle and stress and just having a relaxing time. No matter what, try to get some sort of gaming in, especially if if that's your preferred escape or way of decompressing. Until next week folks, enjoy your turkey (or non-meat plant-based substitute) and enjoy your tables, whether it be the kids' table, a gaming table, or just the tables in some of those TTRPG books you've been waiting for a chance to dig into.
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