One classic video game I 'd like to see remade in the modern era is The Adventures of Bayou Billy, AKA “Bayou Billy” or, in the case of the original Famicom version, Mad City. The hero “Bayou” Billy West (a perfect excuse to cast Billy West in a remake), something of a cross between Crocodile Dundee and Indiana Jones, must save his beloved Annabelle from Godfather Gordon, the Gangster King of Bourbon Street and his "groupies" with names such as Luis Tor-Ture, Toulouse L’attack and Thugs McGraw... I swear I’m not making this up! Just check out the story from the front of the instruction manual:
A long, black cottonmouth quietly snakes across the porch of your Bayou Bungalow, his moist black shining in the moonlight. But you pay no mind to your visitor. You’re too lost in love after walking your best girl, Annabelle (the sweetest honey this side of a bee’s nest), home from the Jambalaya Jamboree, where you romantically bobbed for crawdads and shared a bowl of fillet gumbo. You’re also satisfied from smashing Gordon’s (the gangster king of Bourbon Street) Red Beans’n Rice Warehouse, the fabled headquarters of a global smuggling network.
Suddenly, A speeding limo peels across your moss infested lawn. Bullets strafe your gutters, scaring birds from their roosts and driving you to the ground. When the smoke clears, you see a rock beside your head with a note attached. It reads:
“Dear Mista Bayou Billy, Cause of your meddlin’ in my livelihood, I’ve taken measures to end your hankerin’ for bravery. Your cherished Annabelle is hold up here on my plantation, and lessin’ you stop messin’ with my business she ain’t never gonna grace your neck of the swamp again! Threateningly yours, Gordo.”
You crumple the note and holler like a riled gator. Fire dances in your eyes, and sweat beads on your hands and forehead. You reach for your foot long blade, knowing what you must do.
Another remake that I’d really like to see is Willow. No, not the classic late '80s sword and sorcery movie starring Warwick Davis and Val Kilmer... I know that has its own follow-up series due on Disney+. I’m talking about The Willow Game:the 1988 board game based on the movie and developed by none other than Greg Costikyan (of Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game and Paranoia fame), put out by major fantasy publisher Tor Books (Not to be confused with the much simpler, more kid-focused Willow board game put out by Parker Brothers (the '80s were complicated!). Although, I’d also take an update of the Willow video game, too... the Zelda-style action RPG on the NES, anyway, not to be confused with the adventure game released on home computers. (The '80s were... you get the idea.). Unfortunately, I never got a chance to play this when I was younger, and I imagine finding a decent copy now might be cost-prohibitive. With fantasy becoming more and more popular thanks to the recent D&D boom and prestige TV series like
Is there a good chance these remakes might be utter flops, and tarnish some otherwise cherished memories of times gone past? We’ve definitely plenty of failures when it comes to revisiting media properties... but there have been successes along the way, too.Just because there have been failures doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try, and every failure teaches something that can be done better in the future. Successful ventures might just make up for any perceived loss. Even if we do decide we abhor these new ventures into our media universes, it doesn’t ruin the joy we had consuming them the first time - no matter what internet hyperbole says. And who knows, maybe, once we see those old favorites in a new light, it might helps us see the originals in ways we didn't before.
So give those new media family members a chance, or use your own imagined tie-ins to develop ideas for the stories and games you create. Until next time, get out there and break re-make some dice!
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